
Rabu, 4 April 2012

Why is the Asian Elephant Endangered?

The greatest threat to the Asian elephant's survival is encroachment of its natural habitat by man. Deforestation and farming are clearing away their food source, causing many of these magnificent animals to die of starvation. A further reason why this magnificent animal is endangered is due to the fact that they are being hunted for their ivory tusks. This practice is illegal, yet poachers still earn vast sums of money for the elephant's tusks.

Elephants can weigh up to 5.5 tons and stand at a height of 3 metres, yet for all their bulk and strength they are still extremely fragile. They can be found everywhere from evergreen forests to dry scrubland and can spend up to 20 hours a day feeding. An adult Asian elephant can consume up to 200 kg's of food daily, ranging from fruits to berries and shrubs, leaves and bark.

Pollution of the environment in which Asian elephants live is also having a negative impact upon these animals. Today there are less than 50,000 to be found in the wild and that wild is slowly disappearing as vegetation is cleared away to make way for progress. Ironically elephants are used to clear large tracts of lands.

A battle for resources has led to tragic conflicts between Asian elephants and humans, resulting in the deaths of many elephants who are reported as 'rogue'. Unfortunately aggressive behaviour from elephants can cause vast devastation and even the deaths of humans, so an aggressive elephant is quickly killed. Approximately 15,000 Asian elephants are kept in captivity, many under questionable circumstances. They are currently listed on the endangered species list and will continue to be so until conservation efforts are put in place to preserve what is left of their natural habitat.

Find out more about why Asian Elephants are endangered and what is being done to save Asian Elephants today.

Isnin, 2 April 2012

Endangered Elephants

Being mammals themselves, humans tend to have more passion and concern for other mammals, especially the ones that are endangered. Firstly, what mostly differs mammals from other animals is the existence of vertebrates in their anatomy, and the fact that the females produce milk to feed the young, among other things. IUCN says that there are about 1100 endangered or threatened mammal species, which makes roughly 20% of all mammals. That said, lets look at one of the most endangered species of them on our planet.

There are two types of elephants, the main difference being the size, the African, which is bigger, and the Asian. The African, of course, comes from Africa, and lives in all kinds of habitats, from dense forests, savannahs, through marshes, semidesserts, to grasslands and desserts. It feeds on a variety of plants, like grass, or leafs and twigs from trees, fruits when available. They show remarkable intelligence when feeding sometimes, knocking down trees to reach the to higher edible parts, or digging in search of roots or underground water. Due to this healthy digestion, they live up to 60 years old in the wild, and even 80 in captivity. Their age can be determined by the length of time their grinding teeth last. Without them, the elephant can't chew his food, and will die.

The reduction in the African elephants population is because of three different factors:
1) the killing of elephants for their tusks(ivory), which is a highly valuable resource. This is the most influential factor on the decrease of their population.
2)desertification, a major cause of the disappearance of not only elephants, but many other species as well.
3) The most recent factor, which has not been always around, the conflict between humans and elephants for land. This is due to the massive growth of human population. Of course, there are many other reasons, like the availability of weapons, the apathy towards elephants because they sometimes destroy crops, untrained wildlife authorities and many more, but those three are the major ones.

The Asian elephants are smaller then their relatives in Africa. They live in higher areas and altitudes, like hills and mountains, even to 3600 m high, in habitats like thick jungles or plains with grass. It can be found in places like the Himalayas, mountains of China, Sri Lanka, Indo-Burma, India and Indo-china. What is specific for these elephants is that the males begin to live a solitary life when they reach their sexual maturity, which is at about the age of 10-17 years. This is probably because they are still to young or weak to contribute to the reproduction and attracting older females, which achieve their sexual maturity at the age of 9-12 years. The females always live in family groups that consist of mother, daughters, sisters and immature males, which usually has about 30-50 members, although there can be found groups with even 100. They feed on grasses, branches, bark, flowers, fruits, and they even dig for roots such as bamboo.

Due to the technological advances in the 19th century, which were not likely here, but came from abroad, the population of the Asian elephants severely dropped. Their feeding grounds were destroyed or taken by humans, which is the biggest problem for the population. They were also killed because they destroyed crops, and for their tusks. The females do not have any tusks, so they were not killed for this reason, but extreme male hunting sometimes lead to a disturbed and problematic female:male elephant ratio.

Ahad, 1 April 2012

Asian and African Elephants

Asian and African Elephants

While Asian and African elephants may appear similar in appearance, there are many differences that separate these two types of elephants. Both types have physical characteristics and adaptations that differ, making them better suited to their individual habitats. Understanding the differences between African and Asian elephants can help you to understand how they survive in the wild and live in harmony with nature.

Weight & Height

The Asian elephant is the smaller of the two elephants, weighing in at 3.25 to 5.5 tons. The African elephant weighs between 5.5 and 7 tons, making it anywhere from 100-3,000 pounds heavier than an Asian elephant. The African elephant is also taller than the Asian elephant with a height of 10-13 feet. The Asian elephant is only 7-12 feet tall. The differences in size between the two types of elephants are likely due to their heritage and natural habitat.

Physical Characteristics & Adaptations

There are several differences in some of the characteristics and physical adaptations that Asian and African elephants have. The Asian elephant has smaller ears than its African counterpart even though they both serve to cool the elephant when it gets too warm. The African elephant has only three toes on each hind foot, but the Asian elephant has four toes on each of the hind feet. The African elephant's back is curved while the Asian elephant's back is humped. Both types of elephants use their trunks to help them with daily activities like bathing with water, eating, and communicating with other elephants. However, the African elephant has two extremities coming from the trunk while the Asian elephant only has one. Almost all African elephants have tusks, even the females. In contrast, most female Asian elephants do not have tusks. If they do, the tusks are barely visible.

Domestic Use

There is a big difference in how African and Asian elephants have been used for domestic purposes. Asian elephants have been used for domestic purposes for many centuries. The people of Asia often use elephants as ceremonial animals and may ride these elephants during special ceremonies. Some Asian elephants have been used as working elephants for help with milling and other industrial activities. Because elephants are so tall and heavy, they are often used in forestry to knock down small trees, brush, shrubs, and undergrowth to make it easier for foresting to take place.


Asian and African elephants behave similarly, but because their bodies are different, there are some minor differences in behavior. While female African elephants have tusks and can cut down shrubs and trees, the female Asian elephant usually does not have tusks. This may change a female's behavior when she encounters obstacles on the migratory paths that groups of elephants travel together. The differences in physical adaptations on each type of elephant also make a difference in behavior.

Elephants are truly beautiful animals that are a joy to observe. If you're interested in learning more about nature and wildlife, elephants should be at the top of your list.

Check out our unique gifts made from poo featuring asian elephants and african elephants poo paper.